News From the Front 12/20/2016
December 20, 2016
The week according to Jeff Dear Readers: Thanks to Kate’s creativity, we have a new News From the Front format for the2017 Session that we hope you’ll like. News From the Front will be divided into a number of different headings to make it easier to go to the section that you’re interested in. It’ll […]
One way to get awareness
February 8, 2016
I read the link (below) and thought about the similarities we have with the conservation districts in many Western states. Many of the same words in the article have been heard in Montana – best kept secret, election process, lack of funding, etc. MACD continues to try to raise awareness with both members of the […]
A Word About Conservation District Funding
September 4, 2015
Harold Blattie, from the Montana Association of Counties, recently pointed out that our website had incorrect information about the way districts were funded. We had previously stated that CDs could levy up to 1.5 mills. However, as Harold pointed out, that limit was changed to floating mills in 2001. Here is Harold’s explanation of how […]